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Waiting for my Sanity

I had a humbling experience earlier this week. Honestly I feel like the last month has been a series of humbling experiences. I'm a waitress by trade and coffee really is my go to source for energy. Anyone who knows me knows I take my coffee very seriously. Any time I have a stressful moment? Coffee. Anytime I want to hang with my friends? Coffee. Anytime I want to relax? Coffee. Anytime I need to get motivated to get stuff done? Coffee. Coffee is regularly seen in my hand. Not simply to drink, but because it's comforting to hold in my hands.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. I have come to realize, as of late, I have been doing that very thing. I run in circles trying to organize and clean and stay afloat. When I get worn out? Coffee. I do this out of habit seeking some form of comfort that might bring me rest. I keep turning to coffee to solve my problems when what I really should've been doing is turning to God. Rather than seeking some physical and tangible form of rest and comfort, I should've been fixing my gaze on Jesus and seeking His counsel and His comfort.

How often we as believers try to fix our own problems with monetary things and solutions, over and over again and still expecting a different result. We go to church and we shut our hearts. We sit in the pews and go thru the motions. Oh, yes. We are very skilled at the art of smiling and saying "I'm good" and inviting our friends out to lunch. But the moment we sit down at the table to converse and be present with one another, they order their drink and the word "decaf" escapes their mouth? Has this happened to anyone else? Maybe it's just me, but I have this tendency to immediately think "what's the point in coffee if it's decaf?" I immediately turn off my listening ears after that word is spoken and I get so caught up in my own opinions of what good coffee actually is. I'm sure I am not alone in this mentality. Maybe it isn't coffee. Maybe it's tacos, do they or don't they like salsa. Or maybe it's the color of their nails. "Oh I could never go that bright." Instantly we judge. Instantly we create some barrier between ourselves. Take these same concepts now, and how often have you seen these same small petty things cause division between a brother and a sister in Christ? "Oh I only use the NKJV." "It's just not my style of worship". You fill in the blank. How many times have you seen people in the church complain and nitpick the goings on in a church the same way some would complain about how they take their coffee?

The thing I have learned about decaf coffee tho, is that those who drink it, genuinely enjoy coffee. They drink it because they simply enjoy coffee. Not the side effects of coffee. I find so many times people get coffee more so for the side effects of it. They sit at their desk all day cup after cup just to stay awake. Rather than admiring the taste and it's goodness, they chug it down so they can have that quick caffeine fix. How often do we display this in our personal walk with Christ? We read a quick devotional or listen to a Podcast so we have our quick spiritual fix. How often do we simply turn to the Father and open our Bible just to enjoy time with Him? How often do we just enjoy His presence? Do we turn to the Father because we need something from Him, or are we turning to Him because we just want to bask in His goodness? We as Christians have this ongoing tendency to let the little things trip us up and we leave churches because we didn't like how they painted the walls. Yes! Something as small as wall color has created division in the church. Similarly, how people take their coffee, creates division. Rather than celebrating the fact that the both of you enjoy coffee, we nitpick how a person drinks their coffee. Rather than celebrating the fact that the both of you love the Lord, we nitpick which version of the Bible is the most accurate. I would caution you dear Christian. Don't let the little things divide. Rather celebrate common ground. See what I did there? Coffee pun. Anyways, take a moment to appreciate being in the presence of one another's company. Bask in the goodness of God and the knowledge that God is good. And God is good to me. Don't simply turn to God when you're in need of something. And, to exercise this, enjoy a cup of decaf while you're at it. ;)


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