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Waiting for my Coffee

A while back I was working with my sister Lacey and cousin Brett. We had called in a coffee order that was soon to be delivered and in the middle of wrapping silverware, we ended up getting into some deep conversation about the seasons of life we were in, the lessons God was teaching us, and our thoughts on some pretty hard topics. We looked at each other afterwards and began to joke that we should have a podcast and we'd call it "Waiting for My Coffee" and we'd just talk while we waited for the arrival of our coffee. Over time however, I loved this little saying as I began to really grow my relationship with the Lord. The lessons we learn "in the waiting" and the in between seasons are often the sweetest. Similar to that first sip of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. That first sip always seems the sweetest most pure form of joy each morning. Doesn't matter what you did or didn't do the night before, or even what the rest of your day entails. The brewing process is exciting. Your hands are working towards something, and when you hold that mug after the final fill, the warmth comforts you all around. Excitement and relief overwhelm the senses and for that little moment, everything feels right. This is one of my favorite parts of the morning, but over time, I have found the art of making the coffee just as relaxing as drinking the coffee itself. From the sound of the grinder, to the hum of the water heating. Each and every step has it's purpose. Each little piece of ground coffee is like gold. I am careful not to let a single ounce go to waste. I have found peace in the waiting. This little routine of mine however has taught me even more about the love of Christ and the ways in which He takes so much pride in His children and is careful not to let anything in our lives go to waste. Rather than focusing on the final product, I think the Lord also finds joy in our journey. Each lesson He is careful to teach us in the waiting, in the pausing, and even in the doing. He is a meticulous artist. Careful when and where He chooses to use us. It is for this purpose this blog was created. To share with you encouragement for your own journey.


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